Visitors of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have access to military heritage locations such as museums, fortifications, military equipment, trails, bunkers, battle sites, military towns, infrastructural objects, as well as memorial sites which speak to the era from the beginning of World War I in 1914 and the establishment of all three countries' independence in 1918, till the period of restoration of independence in 1990/1991.
Military heritage locations have descriptions, related memory stories, historical and present-day photographs, tourism services and recommendations on travel routes. There is also information about a great many lesser known and less often visited sites that nevertheless are important historical locations of military heritage in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

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Military Heritage Tourism
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📣 A new project has been started to implement accessibility solutions so that the experience of military heritage tourism can be enjoyed by everyone 🙌 📍 Partners from 🇱🇻 Latvia and 🇪🇪 Estonia of the new Estonia-Latvia Programme project "Improved Accessibility of the Latvian-Estonian Military Heritage Tourism Product" (MIL-HER ACCESSIBLE) met this week for the first partners' meeting to start active work on jointly developed, piloted and implemented 4 accessibility solutions in 11 Estonian-Latvian military heritage tourism sites, thus improving the accessibility for different social groups: school-aged youth and people with visual, mobility, and anxiety restrictions. 🎓 The project partners also visited Latvijas Kara muzejs/Latvian War Museum, where they got acquainted with the museum's offer for school groups. 👉 More about the project: 🪖 Military heritage tourism offer in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia: ℹ️ Project EE-LV00094 “Improved Accessibility of the Latvian-Estonian Military Heritage Tourism Product" (MIL-HER ACCESSIBLE) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg VI-A Estonia-Latvia Programme 2021-2027. #militaryheritage #tourism #estlat #Interreg #accessibility Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays | Karosta | Rehabilitācijas centrs Līgatne | Saldus novada pašvaldība | Visit Cēsis | Latvijas Okupācijas muzejs/Museum of the Occupation of Latvia | Sõjavara Muuseum | Raudtee- ja Sidemuuseum | Eesti Sõjamuuseum | Eesti Lennundusmuuseum / Estonian Aviation Museum | Hiiumaa Militaarmuuseum | Puhkus Maal
Rainiai Chapel of Suffering 🎚 📍On June 25-26, 1941, one of the most gruesome massacres in the history of the Soviet occupation of Lithuania took place in Rainiai forest. During the night, 76 political prisoners from Telšiai prison - intellectuals from the Telšiai region, were brutally tortured and killed by the Red Army and Soviet repressive institutions. The bodies of the victims, buried in a common grave, were discovered a few days later by a passerby. 📍To commemorate the memory of the victims and the suffering of all victims of the Soviet regime, the Rainiai Chapel of Suffering was built in 1991. This bright and minimalist sanctuary, created by prominent Lithuanian artists, has become a place of peaceful rest and reflection. The chapel's interior is dominated by white, symbolizing purity and innocence, while the red traces of blood in the stained-glass windows serve as a reminder of the brutal massacre. 📍The Rainiai Chapel of Suffering is not only a memorial but also a reminder that we must never forget the lessons of history and must continue to fight for freedom and democracy. 📍More about the Chapel: 📍Audioguide in EN: #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Yesterday Lithuanian countryside tourism association organized the first seminar in Panevėžys Narrow Gauge Railway Station. During the event "Military Heritage" project was introduced to tourism information centers, guides and other stakeholders. Throughout the event, we delved into the development of military heritage tourism, explored information dissemination strategies, marketing channels, and the importance of authentic storytelling. We are pleased to have shared best practices – Dr. Darius Liutikas’ presentation attracted great interest. His insights on the history, heritage, and marketing of the Narrow Gauge Railway will undoubtedly contribute to the creation of valuable and attractive military tourism products. Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
On Friday (09-20 September) in Plateliai an information seminar of the activities of the project LL00052 "Military heritage II" took place. The aim of the event was to present the activities of the project to military heritage tourism enthusiasts. The event was attended by local tourism service providers, owners and maintainers of military heritage sites and specialists of tourist information centres. 📍Alina Borzenkaitė, the project historian, presented the military heritage objects, which are currently being identified and described by the project partner, the Žemaitija National Park Directorate. 📍Ramūnas Lydis, Director of Žemaitija National Park, presented the pilot project object - the Cold War exhibition. 📍 Guest speaker Aurimas Rapalis, Director of the Salantai Culture Centre, a great enthusiast of the partisan struggles and the author of the exposition "Partisans' House", presented the objects of the partisan movement in the vicinity of Žemaitija National Park. Later, all participants took part in a guided tour of the military town of Plokštinė and the Cold War exposition. 📌Please note that the Military heritage II project aims to increase the role of military heritage tourism in economic development by including the Baltic military heritage product in Lithuania and southern Latvia. More information about the project: Military heritage tourism sites are presented on the platform: #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🧩🗺Uz salas Daugavā, Koknesē atrodas "Likteņdārzs". Tā ir vieta, kur satiekas pagātne, tagadne un nākotne. 📌Šeit izveidota arī piemiņas vieta Sibīrijas mātēm. Par viņu pašaizliedzību un lielo uzupurēšanos atgādinās vārdi: "Māt, tu man dāvāji dzīvību divreiz. Kad piedzimu un kad nenomiru badā. Sibīrijas bērns". 🪖Tāpat dārza teritorijā saglabājušies Pirmā pasaules kara ierakumi. Tajos latviešu strēlniekiem izveidota piemiņas vieta, ko atklāja strēlnieku pulku dibināšanas 100. gadadienā. Tās kompozīciju veido divas daļas. Latvijas laukakmeņu grupa simbolizē mājās palikušos, bet laukakmeņu rinda, kas izvietota Pirmā pasaules kara ierakumos, – latviešu strēlniekus. ​ 📸Pateicamies par foto Visit Aizkraukles novads | Visit Koknese ➡️Vairāk: #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
This week, in September 10-11, partners of project "Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" met in Klaipėda, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, to discuss the work done in the project so far and next tasks 🎯 Project partners also visited two military heritage tourism objects in Lithuania: ⚔️ ship-museum M52 "Sūduvis" in Klaipėda. The purpose of the ship was once mine-hunting, detection and destruction; ⚔️ museum exposition in the coastal defense battery "Memel Nord" located in the north of Klaipeda. 📝 The project team continues an active work on the expansion and development of the Baltic military heritage tourism product! ℹ️ Project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" (Military Heritage II) is being implemented with the support of the European Union and Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme. Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays | Zemgales Plānošanas reģions / Zemgale Planning Region | | Žemaitijos nacionalinis parkas | Latgale.Travel #militaryheritage #tourism #latlit #Interreg #militāraismantojums
🧐 Zemgales plānošanas reģionā ir daudz tūrisma objektu, starp tiem arī dažādas interesantas ekspozīcijas, kas saistītas ar militārā mantojuma tūrismu. Viena no tādām apskatāma Jēkabpils novads vēstures muzejā | Krustpils pils / Krustpils Castle Šeit izvietota ekspozīcija "Cīņas par brīvību 20. gadsimtā". 📚Padomju represijas. Smagas atmiņas. Te sēžot klubkrēslā, iespēja klausīties jēkabpilieša Ilmāra Knaģa grāmatas “Bij tādi laiki” fragmentus. Uz vienas no telpas sienām bezkaislīgi, kā titri pēc kinofilmas slīd uz Sibīriju izvesto pilsētnieku saraksts. Turpat vecajā televizorā var noskatīties amatiervideo par Ļeņina pieminekļa noņemšanu Jēkabpilī. Apmeklētājos interesi izraisa ne tikai saturs, bet arī tehniskās iespējas. ℹ️ Jēkabpils vēstures muzejs atrodas Krustpils pilī. 1940. gadā pēc Latvijas iekļaušanas PSRS sastāvā Krustpils pilī izvietojās 126. strēlnieku divīzija. Otrā Pasaules kara laikā pilī atradās vācu lazarete, bet pēc 1944. gada augusta Sarkanarmijas kara hospitālis. Pēc kara Krustpils pili ar pieguļošajām muižas ēkām aizņēma Padomju armijas 16. tāllidojuma izlūkošanas aviācijas pulka un 15. gaisa armijas centrālās noliktavas. 🔎Plašāk: 📸FOTO: Tūrisms Jēkabpils novadā #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
✍️📢 Zemgales Plānošanas reģions / Zemgale Planning Region aicina militārā mantojuma vēstures interesentus piedalīties seminārā “Militārā mantojuma tūrisma produkta izstrāde un sadarbības tīkla izveide Zemgales reģionā”. 📅Datums: 12.septembris ⏰Laiks: 10 - 16 📍Norises vieta: klātiene, Jelgava, Driksas iela 9, Bistro “Silva”, 2.stāvs 📝‼️Dalībai seminārā nepieciešama iepriekšēja pieteikšanās. Reģistrēties līdz 6.septembrim iespējams: ℹ️ Informējam, ka semināram plānotas divas daļas: 1. Seminārs bistro “Silva” telpās; 2. Brauciens ar saviem transportlīdzekļiem uz Ziemassvētku kauju muzeju - „Mangaļi”, Valgundes pagasts, Jelgavas novads. Ziemassvētku kauju muzeja un apkārtnes apskate muzeja vadītāja pavadībā I Ziemassvētku kauju muzejs / Christmas Battle Museum Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
🇪🇪 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 Pirms 35 gadiem, 1989. gada 23. augustā, notika tautas akcija “Baltijas ceļš”, kad apmēram divi miljoni cilvēku, 🤝sadevušies rokās, veidoja apmēram 670 km garu dzīvo ķēdi, kas savienoja Baltijas valstu galvaspilsētas. ✨"Baltijas ceļš" bija unikāla akcija ne vien Baltijas, bet visas Eiropas un pat pasaules mērogā. Tās mērķis bija pievērst uzmanību un atgādināt 50 gadus vecus notikumus – Ribentropa-Molotova pakta noslēgšanu. 👉 Latvijas un Igaunijas Unguriņu-Lilli robežpunktā 2009. gadā, pieminot "Baltijas ceļa" divdesmitgadi, tika izveidota Baltijas ceļam veltīta skulptūra. Skulptūras ideja dod iespēju jebkurā brīdī kopā ar skulptūru kļūt par “Baltijas ceļa” sastāvdaļu:
Kaušėnai Holocaust Memorial ⛰Near Plungė city there is a tree-covered Kaušenai countryside hill, in which around 1800 Jews of Plungė district were murdered and buried on July 15-16, 1941. 🎚Initially, they were kept closed in a synagogue without food for two weeks, under antisanitarian conditions. After that, they had to walk about 5 kilometers to the place of execution. They had to dig up the pits themselves, get out and stand at their edge and the Budels started to fire... Another group of victims had to bury the dead and dig a new pit for themselves... 📌The last Jew of Plungė , Jakov Bunka, a veteran of the Second World War lost his grandparents, his youngest sister, father and brother during the war. The rest of his life, he devoted to the remembrance of the killed Plungė Jews. Together with his wood carving friends, he founded the Kaušėnai Memorial. Oak monuments were created from 1986 to 1989. 🎞Video about Memorial: 📍Address: Birutė str., Kaušėnai, Plungė distr. #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Litvak Memorial Garden 🚗Along the main road to Plateliai Lithuania's outline is marked by evergreen bushes and metal apple trees “are growing” on the sites of the Jewish communities destroyed in 1941-1944. 📍Litvaks from all over the world order them in memory of their ancestors. 🍏The apples in trees commemorate the families who lived in the communities. 🎚Karelian granite columns are built in places on the map in which the famous Litvaks were born around the world. 📍The information stand at the entrance to the map tells the story of the Jewish communities throughout Lithuania. It also includes a reconstructed plan of Plateliai with the former buildings and a list of their owners. 🎬Video about Litvak memorial Garden: 📍Address. Žemaičių Kalvarijos g. 51, Medsėdžiai, Plungės r. 📍The location of the Litvak Memorial Garden can be found here: #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Šateikiai ground missile base is one of the four ground bases in Lithuania, built around 1960. Similar bases were also built in Tauragė, Karmėlava, and Ukmergė. 🚀The base had four R-12U (SS-4 Sandal) medium-range ballistic missile launching platforms. 🚀In 1962, during the Caribean Crisis, nuclear missiles were transported from Šateikiai base to Sevastopol by train, then shipped to Cuba on commercial ships. 🚀The base was also put on high alert during the Prague Spring in 1968. 🚀No missiles were ever launched from the Šateikiai base. 🚀The base was closed around 1978. 🚀Šateikiai and Plokštinė missile launching bases were part of a single military unit. A large infrastructure with various buildings was established in a large forested area around Šateikiai to support them. 🚀The base is now completely abandoned, and the missile launch sites are in ruins. However, there are still six hangars that can be visited while exploring the area. #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #heritagetourism #militaryheritagetourism
Vakar kopā ar Latgales partneriem un uzņēmējiem - tikāmies Balvu novadā, Rekovas dzirnavās uz semināru "Kā militāro mantojumu ir iespējams pārvērst par mūsdienu ceļotājam pievielcīgu tūrisma produktu?" Savā pieredzē un zināšanās dalījās: Ivars Dimdiņš, Rolands Gradkovskis Valdis Kuzmins, Zigmārs Turčinskis. Pēc semināra devāmies aplūkot privātmuzeju Abrenes Istabas, bet Zigmāra Turčinska pavadībā iepazinām Stompaku purvu, kur 1945. gada martā notika lielākā nacionālo partizānu kauja. Projektu īsteno Lauku Ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays sadarbībā ar Latgales Tūrisma asociācija un partneriem no Zemgales Plānošanas reģions / Zemgale Planning Region un Lietuvas. Interreg Latvia - Lithuania Programme Šis pasākums ir organizēts ar Eiropas Savienības finansiālu atbalstu. Par tā saturu pilnībā atbild Latgales tūrisma asociācija un tas var neatspoguļot Eiropas Savienības viedokli. #latlit #interreg #militaryheritage #latgale

Project LL-00052 “Extending the Baltic military heritage tourism product in Lithuania and South Latvia" (Military Heritage II) is being implemented with the support of the European Union Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021- 2027. This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

This project is co-financed by the Estonian-Latvian cross-border cooperation program of the objective "European Territorial Cooperation" of the European Structural and Investment Funds. This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.